Uninvited online bible study
Uninvited online bible study

uninvited online bible study

Now is not the time to shirk the responsibility that has been given to us. The people of Persia had no right to vote for their leader, but we do. We as Americans may not be kings and queens, but we do have access to the same Almighty King of kings and Lord of lords that Esther had. Perhaps that is why she was Providentially chosen to be where she was. To whom much had been given, much was required. Still, she would gather her courage and go. If this meant the end to her and her people, it meant the end. Esther would go and meet this responsibility head on, believing God would go before her. Esther knew her own limitations, but she knew the true King of Kings and Lord of Lords… and she had access without limit to Him.Įsther turned to prayer and fasting for three days and called the Jews in the city to do so as well. What could she do? Esther could make things a lot worse–especially for herself, if you think about it. Esther could have run away, she could have hid, she could have said, “What is the use? What can my words do to make a difference?” Esther was not ignorant about who she was dealing with. This posed a problem…what help would she be to the Jewish people if she was dead? Esther had been silent regarding her Jewish heritage since she’d been placed in the palace. Esther couldn’t just walk in to the throne room uninvited unless she wanted to lose her life. She needed to be summoned by the king to have the “privilege” of access, and he hadn’t summoned her in quite some time. (Cue the evil laugh…can you hear it?)Įsther was the only one with access to King Xerxes (kind of). Haman is the one who made the kill order for the Jewish people across every province in the Persian empire. Worse yet, the right-hand man of this king was Haman, who was just as evil and manipulative–a true enemy of God and His people. An evil and cruel dictator, Xerxes had his previous wife banished from his presence forever for one act of disobedience.

uninvited online bible study

Xerxes was not a king who regarded life as precious…he was willing to sacrifice the lives of every man in his army if he could have control over Greece. He called himself, “The king of kings,” the “Almighty.” He had a complex for sure. The “king” that Esther would risk her life to speak to, was Xerxes. Or was there? Ahhh, there was! Queen Esther, who had no “real” power at all, but was the one God called to stand up at that moment in history. The lives of the Jewish people were in the balance–slated for slaughter–with nothing to be done to change the outcome. I love this verse in Esther, and I think we can receive encouragement and direction from it. But is that right either? We are known as “One nation under God,” as a country where “God’s grace has been shed.” So what is the right answer? so some of us will stay at home and not vote at all, letting whatever happens, happen. So, as Christians, who do we vote for? HRC? The Donald? McMullin? Johnson? Does God’s Word give us a clear cut answer? There are many Christians and theologians giving their two cents regarding who we should pull the lever for, and if we don’t follow their advice we are seen as wicked people who have sold our souls…. Many of us in swing states are being bombarded with campaign commercials, everywhere we go. “To everyone who has been given much, much will be required.” Luke 12:48 Fast and pray for me three days (night), I and my maidens also will, thus I will go to the king, not according to law, if I perish, I perish. THE FACTS: Assemble all the Jews in Susa. And thus I will go into the king, which is not according to the law and if I perish, I perish.” I and my maidens also will fast in the same way.

uninvited online bible study

“Go, assemble all the Jews who are found in Susa, and fast for me do not eat or drink for three days, night or day.

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Uninvited online bible study